Day in the Life: Marketing and Communications Intern

August 8, 2018
By: Katie Griffiths
Day in the Life: Marketing and Communications Intern
My name is Katie Griffiths, and I have had the privilege of interning at Hubbard Street Dance Chicago this summer. I primarily work under the wonderful, Hayley Ross, Marketing Manager at Hubbard Street. My days as the Marketing and Communication Intern are filled with unique experiences and continuous learning in a creative, fun, and collaborative community.
I'll take you through a regular Monday spent at Hubbard Street. It all starts with a stroll to the Jackson Station...
This summer, I'm subleasing an apartment downtown so I take the train to work every day. As I wait for the Blue Line to Forest Park, I'm usually trying to finish assigned reading for the online class I am also taking this summer. This fall, I will be a senior at Missouri State University, where I study Writing, Graphic Design, and Dance.
After I arrive at Hubbard Street, I typically check my emails first thing to see what Hayley has assigned for me to do, or to check on any other tasks I need to accomplish for the day. Depending on our state of alertness, Katie or Leigh Alice (other Hubbard Street Interns who I share an office with), will pick up coffee before work for the three of us. They are both in graduate school at Florida State University, and we have become fast friends through this internship.
Me, Katie, and Leigh Alice at the Spotlight Ball Gala. Photo by Bob Carl.
Mondays for me at Hubbard Street mean social media. I will check the social media calendar to determine what posts I need to make for the three Facebook pages I help manage: Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, The Lou Conte Dance Studio, and the Hubbard Street Youth Dance Program. Typically, I have about four posts to make for each page. They range from subscription reminders for the season, class descriptions for the dance studio, notifying followers of registration for various dance programs, and much more. Although I create posts on Mondays, most don't get posted until later on in the week, so I schedule the times and dates they will be published to the public as well. Social media posts normally take through the morning for me to finish, then its time for lunch.
Leigh Alice, Katie, and I will eat a quick bite in the kitchen area and then get back to work. I'm always mystified by their impressive meal-prepped lunches; maybe that's something you learn in grad school. Back to work.
Depending on the afternoon, I will either write a blog, hold an interview, design a marketing document, compose an e-newsletter, document press from past or upcoming series, or write photo captions for repertoire images. My favorite tasks involve writing blog posts and creating e-newsletters. It's been a great way to learn firsthand about the company and the wide range of talented individuals that make Hubbard Street as successful as it is.
On the rooftop of my apartment overlooking the city.
Following a day of interning, I sometimes stay and take a Pilates or dance class at the Lou Conte Dance Studio. As interns, we are allowed to take as many classes as we'd like, for no additional charge. I was especially drawn to Hubbard Street when initially applying for internships because of the importance placed on Pilates. I really value the relationship between cross-training and dance and feel that it should be facilitated by any and all serious dancers. Romana's Pilates is practiced at Hubbard Street and I have always studied Stott's, so it has been a fun and challenging process to learn a different movement practice.
Days go by rather quickly because I am doing what I love. I feel very grateful to be able to combine my passions and academic interests into a whirlwind summer of living on my own in Chicago.
Learn more about Hubbard Street's internship program and how you can apply here.